Our Approach

Efficient Compilation and Submission

TPR offers comprehensive support in the compilation and submission of Medicare cost reports that not only meet the stringent regulatory standards but also uphold compliance. Our approach ensures accuracy, acceptance, and peace of mind.

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How will our services help you?

Key Benefits


Insightful Analysis

Understanding the intricacies of cost report settlements is crucial. TPR provides an executive summary analysis of key settlement items, empowering your management team with a comprehensive understanding of net reimbursement amounts due to or from the Medicare program.


Effective Advocacy

TPR serves as your unwavering advocate during Medicare and Medicaid Intermediary audit adjustments and negotiations. Our seasoned experts leverage their knowledge to safeguard your interests and optimize outcomes.


Retrospective Review Expertise

Looking back to refine your financial strategies is a smart move. TPR specializes in preparing retrospective cost report review assessments, offering insights that drive informed decisions and enhanced financial planning.

What’s Included

Robust Appeal Assistance

When it comes to cost reports, appeals demand precision. TPR excels in providing comprehensive cost report appeal, re-opening, and amendment assistance. Our meticulous approach ensures that your appeals are effective and compliant.

We Also Offer

Position Paper Support

Provider Reimbursement Review Board (PRRB) proceedings require strategic positioning. TPR offers robust support with our carefully crafted position papers, enabling you to present your case with clarity and conviction.

Identifying Opportunities

TPR has the technical and regulatory expertise to turn vast amounts of data into meaningful insights that your health system can act on. Through various data mining techniques and technologies TPR finds data anomalies, patterns and correlations within large data sets to predict outcomes and to identify and capture new revenue opportunities for our clients.

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