Home Services Nursing & Allied Health Programs

Since a 1999 CMS ruling, hospitals have been eligible for additional payments for the costs associated with running a nursing and allied health program. Approved nursing and allied health education programs that meet certain criteria are eligible for these additional payments. The management team of TPR solutions has recognized many hospitals that are eligible for these additional payments have not taken advantage of these payments.

  • TPR can validate and prioritize which cost reports are available for re-opening and/or amendment based on Notice of Program Reimbursement (NPR) dates and status of the fiscal intermediary’s audit of each cost report fiscal year.
  • TPR can determine the applicability of the strategy for all available cost reporting periods by performing detailed analysis of the current treatment of the variables impacting the additional reimbursement.
  • TPR can quantify the estimated reimbursement impact for each cost report year available.

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